Summit Park Emergency Planning

Hello Firewise Neighbors,

We all woke up on Friday to a beautiful red dawn, but it didn’t take long for the reality set in as the smoke thickened from fires in California. I want everyone to be mindful of the possibility of having to relocate if Summit Park is threaten by a wildfire. Evacuations take two forms; precautionary and organized with plenty of time to gather your life, the other is hasty with no time to waste. Emergency evacuations can occur during the day or late at night. This is the critical moment where all your preparation and planning will pay off. The video imbedded in the link below shows the worst case scenario for getting out. This happens much to often during extreme fire behavior but implementing even the simplest of plans will elevate the safety of your family. I’ve attached the recent Summit Park Emergency Egress Plan for your review. Finally, I’ve provided a link to the National Ready, Set, Go program which highlights emergency preparedness and offers helpful action guides. 

Red Flag Warnings issued by wildland fire authorities are an important component in predicting fire behavior and its difficulty for suppression. Below is the current status of our state and county. Interesting enough, Right now Summit County is not included in the warning. Most likely because of our elevation, but this can dramatically and suddenly change with one dry lighting storm. Hopefully you have done the recommended work around your home to reduce its likelihood of ignition during a fire incident, but if you haven’t, its not too late. You can still continue to harden your home by remaining stead fast with your efforts. 

As if the call to evacuate wasn’t scary enough, the road out was harrowing. –

Week 3: Your Evacuation Plan

Leaving early gives you and your family the best chance of surviving a wildland fire and helps keep the roads clear so firefighters are able to move strategically and lend more focus to suppression efforts in a safer environment. 

An important part of leaving early is preparing ahead of time. Take this time to put together an evacuation plan and pack go bags for your family. 

Identify at least two ways out of your neighborhood and a safe place for you to go. Mark your potential evacuation routes clearly on a map and then practice them with your family. Make sure everyone in the family knows your safe meeting place, then let your friends and family know your plans.  

Complete your Personal Wildland Fire Action Plan, in the RSG! Program National Action Guide. This includes identifying important contact numbers for places your family might go during an evacuation and an out of town contact who can help keep track of your family members in the event of an emergency. You will also identify potential evacuation routes, where you will be evacuating to, the locations of emergency supply kits that you will need to take with you, and any notes for your family. Post the completed plan somewhere every member of your family can see it and become familiar with it. 

Use the Emergency Supply List on page 10 in the National Action Guide to pack go bags for your family. Be sure to include water, food, any necessary medications, a change of clothes, spare chargers, and an extra set of credit cards, cash, or checks.  

If you have house pets, include them in your evacuation preparation. Practice evacuating with them, ensuring that your family can safely get them in the car and to your agreed upon meeting point. Pack food for your pet(s) in your go bags and include any medications they are taking. Ensure you have a plan in place for outdoor animals or livestock. 

Know what local procedures are during evacuation. Should an evacuation occur during another event, such as COVID-19, understand your locale has considered many factors and is likely offering the best alternatives. Ensuring life safety takes precedence over social-distancing measures. 


RSG! Program Action Guide (English)

RSG! Program Action Guide (Spanish)

CDC Pet Disaster Kit Checklist

FEMA USFA Evacuation Sheet

FEMA USFA How to Prepare for a Wildfire

Mike QuinonesFire and Safety CoordinatorSummit Park HOAsummitparkfirewise@gmail.com435-962-0317