Support Summit Park

For a small membership fee, your contribution does so much for so little. All membership fees go right back into helping fund community services and programs that everyone in Summit Park benefits from. Please consider joining, and if you are already a member, we all thank you!

The Summit Park Homeowners Association

The Summit Park Homeowners Association is almost the antithesis of a typical homeowners association.  When the Association was first started back in 1957, it did operate more as a traditional HOA, but over the years, it has devolved into something more akin to a neighborhood advocacy group that directs all of its energies on activities that are in the best interests of our community.  It mainly functions as a community voice, conducts an annual cleanup drive (“Dumpster Days”) and performs a wide-range of wildfire mitigation activities that benefits all those that live and own in Summit Park.  For those that qualify, the Association offers financial assistance to property owners on various programs designed to reduce on-site fuel sources that could lead to wildfires in our community.

The primary reason that the Association remains as a homeowners association is that it allows for greater access to government grant money that would not otherwise be available if it was organized as something other than a homeowners association.  Over the years, the Association has been successful in obtaining or having access to various government grants that have totaled in the $100s of thousands of dollars, most of which has gone towards fortifying Summit Park against the threat of wildfire.

Membership is the Association is strictly voluntary and there are no CC&Rs.  For those that prefer to have some degree of community guidance, the Association has what it calls the Neighborhood Code of Conduct.  The provisions found in the Neighborhood Code of Conduct are loosely based on a some of the provisions found in traditional CC&Rs, but its contents are only provided for general guidance and best practice, and are not in any way enforced (nor can they be).

Organized as a non-profit corporation, the Association is 100% membership supported (we ask $50.00/year).  With shoestring operating expenses and little overhead (it’s run solely by volunteers), all contributions that the Association generously receives are plowed right back into the community for its betterment.


Membership in the Summit Park Homeowners Association is $50.00 per calendar year.  This should not be considered as a “dues” payment, as membership is strictly voluntary for those wishing to support the activities and programs of the Association.

Payment can be made by check to the “Summit Park Homeowners Association” or by way of Venmo.

  • Payment via Venmo:

The Venmo address is @SummitParkHOA.

Important Note:  Set the transaction to “Private” so others will not be able to see your information on the Venmo feed.

  • Payment via check:

If you prefer a check, you can mail it to:

Summit Park Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 980754
Park City, UT 84098

Whether you pay by Venmo or check, please include your Name, Summit Park Address, Mailing Address (if different from your Summit Park address), your Email Address, and the property’s Plat Number.  If using Venmo, please include this information under the “What’s it for?” section.  You can find your Plat Number by clicking on the following link that will take you to a map where you can access that information.

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