Guard Dog at construction site

Posted By: Patti Larrabee

I would like to bring to the neighborhood’s attention the “guard dog” at the construction site on the frontage road and Parkview Drive. This sad animal is kept chained up inside the fence the surrounds the portable office 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Last Friday June 27 I contacted animal control who told me they would investigate. On Saturday morning I noticed the dog had no water so I replenished its empty bucket. An animal control office did BRIEFLY stop and look and left a note for them to contact animal control. I am getting mixed message from Summit County whether this is allowed but the bottom line is this is a very cruel situation. The dog is friendly, takes treats from me and allows me to pet it through the fence. If any of you wish to check this out and perhaps add your voice to mine I think this dog, who I have nicknamed Killer, would be very appreciative